「我明白循規蹈矩未必不是幸福。但血氣方剛的我想踏上更為狂野不羈的旅途。我認為我應該提防這些安逸的歡樂。我心裡渴望過上更危險的生活。我隨時願意奔赴陡峭險峻的山嶺和暗流洶湧的海灘,只要我能擁有改變 ——改變和意料之外的事物帶來的刺激。」 —— 毛姆《月亮與六便士》
Jyun-Han LU resides in the picturesque coastal city of Hualien, where his artistic creations are inspired by the landscapes of his surroundings and his travels. He excels in using keen observation and imaginative thinking to convey a sense of vibrant beauty through vivid colors and dynamic geometric patterns on canvas.
His latest solo exhibition, "PIAO PIAO," draws inspiration from his travels to Hong Kong and Japan in 2023. Clouds and seas witnessed from the airplane became the main theme of this exhibition. The title, "PIAO PIAO," conveys both the idea of beauty and drifting, with artworks depicting scenes of clouds and seas. Jyun-Han LU attempts to capture the interplay between the moving clouds and the sea amidst mountains, islands, and the ocean.
In his creative process, LU integrates his personal experiences, much like a playwright using canvas as a stage to present landscapes and his own stories to viewers. He transforms landscapes into narratives, showcasing their inherent beauty. Like a game, he deconstructs and reconstructs scenes he has observed, vividly recreating impressive and memorable landscapes through painting.
It is worth mentioning that on April 3rd, Hualien experienced a 7.2-magnitude earthquake, triggering landslides and road closures along the Su-Hua Highway. LU's prepared artworks were also scattered on the ground. Although the natural disaster posed challenges to this exhibition, fortunately, there were no significant losses. Inspired by the earthquake, LU set aside feelings of helplessness and frustration amidst the chaos at home on the day of the earthquake. Instead, he immersed himself in creation amid the panic and hundreds of aftershocks, with works such as "The View Before the Solo Exhibition" and "The Admirable Rescue Team" capturing the scenes of landslides on the Su-Hua Highway and paying tribute to the heroic rescue teams.
Jyun-Han LU cherishes every encounter with the landscapes he sees, with each artwork representing a cherished memory. From April 11th to June 2nd, 2024, ASTAR GALLERY invites everyone to visit the exhibition "PIAO PIAO" and appreciate LU's deep affection for the surrounding scenery captured by his brushstroke.
▻ 開幕茶會 Opening
4/14 Sunday 14:30
▻ 展期 Duration
2024/4/11 — 6/2
▻ 時間 Time
週二至週日 11:00-19:00 週一公休 Off on Monday
▻ 地點 Address
No. 9, Aly. 53, Ln. 63, Sec. 2, Dunhua S. Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City