藝星藝術中心首度亮相 Art Central Hong Kong 2025,攜手梅丁衍與鄭崇孝開拓當代藝術新視野
作為香港藝術周的重要盛事,Art Central 致力於推動當代藝術發展,聚焦全球頂尖畫廊、國際知名藝術家與新銳創作者的精彩之作。對於策展人、資深收藏家及新晉藏家而言,Art Central 是發掘卓越藝術作品的理想平台。今年,藝星藝術中心 首度參與這場國際藝術盛會,呈現台灣重量級藝術家梅丁衍與青壯年藝術家鄭崇孝的精選作品,展現台灣藝術在國際舞台上的多元風貌。
在 Art Central 十週年特別策劃的「Legend」主題展及公共藝術專案中,梅丁衍成為本屆展會的焦點之一。「Legend」由策展人鄭得恩(Enoch Cheng)策劃,精選六位深遠影響亞太藝術發展、並持續啟發新生代創作者的藝術家,包括韓國的李仁燮、澳洲原住民藝術家Emily Kam Kngwarreye、日本的靉嘔與細江英公、香港的馮美華,以及來自台灣的梅丁衍。
被譽為「台灣達達主義之父」的梅丁衍,其創作橫跨攝影、錄像、裝置與繪畫等多種媒材。他擅長運用日常物件,透過語境轉換與符號辯證,以幽默、戲謔與反諷的手法挑戰傳統權威與社會結構。他的作品經常探討身份認同、文化衝突、國際關係、政治與歷史等議題,深刻映照當代社會的複雜情感與微妙的歷史背景。自 1970 年代起,梅丁衍的作品已於亞洲、美國及歐洲的重要美術館與畫廊展出。2014 年台北市立美術館為其舉辦回顧展《尋梅啟事》,而 2024 年更獲得第 23 屆國家文藝獎,進一步奠定他在台灣當代藝術史上的重要地位。
除了梅丁衍,藝星藝術中心 也將帶來青壯年藝術家鄭崇孝的最新創作。鄭崇孝的作品融合幽默、環保意識與社會關懷,透過自我形象與卡通角色的結合,創造出標誌性的「嘟嘴男孩」系列。他的藝術語彙在傳統與當代之間遊走,重新演繹**李唐《萬壑松風》與郭熙《早春圖》**等經典山水畫,並融入當代卡漫風格,藉此探討環境保護、生態保育與能源危機等全球議題。
創立於 1994 年的藝星藝術中心,最初與義大利知名雕塑家合作近 20 年,並自 2009 年起轉型,致力於推廣台灣當代藝術。此次首度參與 Art Central,標誌著台灣藝術在國際市場上的積極拓展。透過梅丁衍與鄭崇孝的作品,藝星藝術中心希望展現台灣藝術的多樣性與深度,並藉助這一國際平台,促進跨文化交流與對話,進一步推動台灣當代藝術的全球影響力。
藝星藝術展位: B23
展覽地點: 中環海濱活動空間 龍和道9號
展覽日期: 2025年3月25日-3月30日
Art Central website:https://artcentralhongkong.com/zh/home/

ASTAR Gallery Debuts at Art Central Hong Kong 2025: Showcasing Dean-E MEI and Chong-Xiao ZHENG’s Vision in Contemporary Art
Art Central Hong Kong, a key highlight of Hong Kong Art Week, is dedicated to fostering contemporary art by bringing together innovative global galleries, emerging artistic talents, and internationally renowned masters. Recognized as a premier platform for collectors, curators, and art enthusiasts, it offers an unparalleled opportunity to discover outstanding works.
This year, ASTAR Gallery proudly makes its debut at Art Central 2025, presenting the works of Dean-E MEI, a pioneering figure in Taiwanese contemporary art, alongside Chong-Xiao ZHENG, a rising star of the new generation. Their works collectively showcase the diverse artistic landscape of Taiwan on the international stage. Notably, Dean-E MEI has been invited to participate in Art Central’s special 10th Anniversary "Legend" exhibition and public art program, curated by Enoch Cheng, making him a focal point of the event.
"Legend" – Celebrating Six Pioneers in Asia-Pacific Contemporary Art
The "Legend" exhibition honors six influential artists whose work has significantly shaped the contemporary art scene in the Asia-Pacific region and continues to inspire new generations of creators. These distinguished artists include Lee Insup (South Korea), Emily Kam Kngwarreye (Australia, Indigenous Art), Ay-O (Japan, Rainbow Art), Eikoh Hosoe (Japan, Postwar Modern Photography Master), May Fung (Hong Kong, Video Art Pioneer), and Dean-E MEI (Taiwan, Avant-Garde Art).
Dean-E MEI: The Father of Taiwanese Dadaism
Dean-E MEI is a pioneering figure in Taiwan’s avant-garde art scene, widely recognized as the "Father of Taiwanese Dadaism." His multidisciplinary practice spans photography, video, installation, and painting, with a signature approach that reinterprets everyday objects through contextual displacement and semiotic deconstruction.
Using humor, irony, and satire, MEI challenges traditional power structures and cultural norms. His works frequently explore identity, cultural conflicts, international relations, politics, and history, offering a thought-provoking commentary on contemporary socio-political landscapes.
Since the 1970s, MEI’s work has been exhibited in prestigious galleries and museums across Asia, the United States, and Europe. His retrospective exhibition, "WANTED DEAN-E MEI" at the Taipei Fine Arts Museum (2014) and his recent honor at the 23rd National Award for Arts (2024) solidified his critical position in Taiwan’s contemporary art history.
Chong-Xiao ZHENG: Bridging Tradition with Contemporary Narratives
Alongside Dean-E MEI, ASTAR Gallery will also present the latest works of Chong-Xiao ZHENG, a celebrated young artist whose practice intertwines humor, environmental awareness, and social consciousness. ZHENG is known for his "Pouting Boy" series, where he incorporates his self-image into a cartoon persona. By reinterpreting classical Chinese landscape paintings, such as Li Tang’s "Wind in the Pines Among a Myriad Valleys" and Guo Xi’s "Early Spring", ZHENG seamlessly fuses traditional aesthetics with modern pop culture influences, reflecting on contemporary issues like environmental conservation, ecological preservation, and energy crises.
ASTAR Gallery: Expanding Taiwan’s Presence on the Global Art Stage
Founded in 1994, ASTAR Gallery initially specialized in collaborations with renowned Italian sculptors for nearly two decades. Since 2009, the gallery has actively championed Taiwanese contemporary art. With its debut at Art Central Hong Kong 2025, ASTAR Gallery not only marks a new milestone for Taiwanese contemporary art’s international expansion but also underscores its commitment to fostering cross-cultural exchange and global artistic dialogue. Through the works of Dean-E MEI and Chong-Xiao ZHENG, the gallery aims to highlight the diversity, innovation, and depth of Taiwan’s contemporary art scene.
ASTAR Gallery Booth Information
Booth: B23
Venue: Central Harbourfront 9 Lung Wo Road Hong Kong
Exhibition Dates: March 25 - March 30, 2025
March 25 (Tue): 14:00 - 20:00
March 26 (Wed): 17:00 - 21:00
March 26 (Wed): 12:00 - 17:00
March 27 (Thu): 12:00 - 19:00
March 28 (Fri): 12:00 - 19:00
March 29 (Sat): 11:00 - 19:00
March 30 (Sun): 11:00 - 17:00